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Saturday, 21 December 2013

not many sleeps to go Bros well getting in the mood...only two more radio therapy sessions next week

Chemo Charlie update

Well it was off to Christies again for more treatment this time radio therapy to zap the little tumours.
I didn’t accompany bro this week  (some of us have to work) but I have had updates off  the kids who went with him ( well its cheaper than taking them to a panto) tight fooker!!! Anyhow all went well with the treatment this week and the kids enjoyed their days out???
 However something strange happened to bro on his way home from his night out last night …it would appear that his nose suddenly started to glow red. He wouldn’t have noticed but cars kept stopping when they saw him as he walked down the street. Course, he phoned me and I had to go and have a look…..Piss Funny!!!!   Anyway been on to Christies this morning and spoke to his consultant Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti , who works in the Concology  Department.  .  I explained to him that Bros hooter has gone luminous and at night it glows red and he looks a bigger t*** than normal. Mr Mustapha Llukatfatti explained that it could be Acute Radiation Syndrome Effect (A.R.S.E) and it was quite a rare occurrence and he only knew of two other people that have suffered this side effect which happens due to the steroids one takes with the radiation therapy. The two people that he knew were actually two celebrities, one being the late  Danny La Rue and the other being the Swedish actor Dolph Lundgren, so bro was in quite group. Yes claim to fame….Rue, Dolph and bro….!!! Anyway he went on to say that the effects should only last a few months but they could also reach other parts of his extremities…. Oh dear..  On a good note, word has got about and he has been offered a job has Coco the Clown in  Billy Smarts circus at Heaton Park for 3 days in May next year, and he has been offered 3 days work as a stand in for Dale the Chipmunk in June in a remake of the Walt Disney classic…However that would be 6 days work in 2014 and bro thinks that working twice as much has he did in 2013 might take its toll on him….we will have to see……Tis the season to be jolly…


You know Potsy and Kelly 
And  Karen and Jane
Viki and  Andrea 
And  Katrina and Elaine
But do you recall
The most famous Warby of all?
Eccy the luminous nosed fooker,
Had a nose that glowed all red .
And if you saw the fat t***
You would piss yourself at his head
All of his mates at warbys
Called him Chernobyl and cancer head
They wouldn’t let him therefore
Make any of their bread
Then one foggy Monday morn
Bro turned into work for once
His boss said  “fek me eccy”
You fekin red nosed ponce!!!
Then all  the other workers
Laughed and  clapped on their job
They cant wait for little brother
To come and show them his red knob!!

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