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Thursday, 26 December 2013


So FATMANS got to have radiotherapy up his arse hole again now. Hope it goes better than last time. Well I really have only myself to blame for that. …two days before his last batch they told us at Christies that he would have to get a prescription from the pharmacy for a good anal clean out prior to the radiotherapy. Anyhow I was left to pick it up for him as he had other things on his mind…Dinner, Dinner, Dinner ,Dinner, Dinner ,Dinner, Dinner, Dinner, FATMAN”!!!  So I goes to get it while he feeds his belly in the canteen. It’s a bottle of purply liquid and I don’t know why ( probably because I, had been constipated for a week and I had  been so bloated and nauseas with it ) I drank  the whole bottle!!
I went to the vend machine and got some smarties and put 8 yellow ones in the bottle. I gave them FATMAN and told him to take four a day for the next two days…explaining that they were a new medical advancement and worked like a chemical toilet and there was no need therefore to have a shit!!
The day of the radiotherapy came around and me and FATMAN arrived half an hour late because I had to stop at Mcdonalds for another  shit and FATMAN got a big mac meal. We were taken into this room and FATMAN was prepared for the therapy, this involved putting him in grey tights because of risk of deep vein thrombosis. And a black  lead gown and a black mask to prevent damage from the high energy rays. He did really now look like Dinner, Dinner, Dinner ,Dinner, Dinner ,Dinner, Dinner, Dinner, FATMAN”!!!
A nurse came in to numb  the area of his arse with a spray  ready for an injection. We will call him
MR FREEZE.  A lady nurse then came in the room to inject him, she was a bit pigeon toed and walked funny and was dressed in a black and white nurse outfit  it said on her badge nurse Guin. I politely said “Morning nurse Guin “ “Morning , you can call me Penny, or Pen for short like my friends do” Mmmm PEN GUIN ??? I thought.
The radio therapy guy came in then he was a right JOKER kept saying “ I should be on time and a turd for this and a day in loo!! Ha Ha. The lady who did the catscan accompanied him…CATWOMAN. Anyhow after his injection they put FATMANS legs up onto these stirrup stands but the fat fookers legs kept wobbling off so they had to tie belts on to keep them on…he looked a right twat!! Suddenly a noise came from FATMANS arse…BRRRRRHHHHAAAAAPPPP!!!. Holy  Eggypoos !!!What a stink. CATWOMAN phones for someone to bring  a fan and MR FREEZE  goes to put some more gloves on because FATMAN  has followed through and his others, he  has  GOTHAM CHITTY. The guy in the next cubicle has covered his face with a cardboard sick bowl to stop the smell but pushed two holes for his eyes so he can see what is going on….he looks like CLAYMAN. A Pakistani nurse called RAS AL GUHL brings in the biggest fan I have ever seen, the blades must be thirty inches long. The JOKER says “are you friend or enema.” Ha ha.!! FATMAN  suddenly lets off an array of huge farts ..fffffrrraaaapppp!!! Rrrrrrriiiiiiippp!! Bbbbbrrrrraaaaauuuuppp!! Just as RAS AL GUHL plugs the wind turbine fan on FATMAN starts shitting gravy from his arse.. theres crap blowing all over the place.  Holy flyingturds !!!  The lady in the cubicle opposite has got it all over one side of her face and looks like TWO FACE. PENGUIN  suddenly slips in the shit and knocks the fan over and the guard falls off and its spinning its way over to FATMAN and about to slice him from arsehole to breakfast time.. and he is tied to the chair and cant get away. Holy shitslitters!!!  FATMAN what are we going to do…All  FATMANS enemas look on laughing………tune in next Saturday to see if the shit has hit the fan and FATMAN is going to meet his end…..Dinner, Dinner, Dinner ,Dinner, Dinner ,Dinner, Dinner, Dinner, FATMAN”!!!

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