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Friday, 24 January 2014

Cheemo Charlie update continued

Anyway things are moving a bit fast with the fat fookers memorial site and I thought I better speak to his consultant Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti yesterday and try to finalise some dates.
I have ordered 26 buckets from the £1 shop in Heywood for the bagathon at Morrisons and the vinyl lettering company is all set to run some stickers off for them when we can agree a date.. I am thinking of just putting the year and not the month as well just to move things along with them.. but you know what an awkward fooker that bro of mine is and I can see him hanging on just for the hell of it!
Morrisons have two Fridays in August and the next available date is a Saturday afternoon in September, however this clashes with the Manchester derby and I think the general consensus of opinion is we would sooner have it done and dusted before then and anyway we may have to enlist the use of some brownies to bag up because most members of the memorial committee are season ticket holders…
Just an update on the memorial fund name…there has been a few suggestions….from Carey Lorimer we have R.A.F.F.L.E. ( Remember A Fat Fooker Like Eccles)… There has been a suggestion from a bowls league he played in in Blackpool and who have been highlighted as one of the main benefactors of the fund.. Theirs is B.O.B.B.L.E ( Benefit Of Blind Bowlers In Lythmn England ) I like this it sort of poignantly makes me remember bros delivery…and from his mates from Warbys we have T.O.A.S.T.I.E ( The Obesity And Solutions Trust In England) that would be bros favourite I think.
Anyway I have finally got a few minutes on my own with Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti while bro is pigging his dinner down ( ive not involved bro at this stage because I don’t think he can help out with the timing until later on). Mr Lukatfatti however is not being as helpful as I thought he would be and up to now he can only give me a window of 3 weeks….now im not a pushy person but its not like arranging a wedding , theres not a buffet and cars and dresses and churches and reception…and people can pick a day for that…its one person…no dress.. no buffet.. no church…no cars…Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti did agree somewhat and narrowed it down to a week.. and he went on to say ” a tweak with a plug and a shot or two of morphine” and he is thinking he could actually name the day for me…… Unfortunately the day he has given us clashes with a federation game with Leeds and our Toms in a Junior Pairs at Bullough Moor…I am not going all the way to Switzerland with the fat fooker so I am just hoping he hangs on till the evening…it would be a shame to miss it…
Anyway I have got my date so I can move things on now…..
Keep you posted on the fund folks!!!

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