This is a picture of bro when he won the waterloo bowls trophy in 1991. It is the most prestigous trophy to win in the crown green bowls world. Bro is still a top rated bowler and still represents our county in spite of him being ill. Tomorrow me and bro are playing in the final day of a competition. It is a pairs event and we qualified for the finals last weekend. Hes bearing up well after his chemotherapy last week but he has very little energy. Im hoping we get beat the first match but knowing how competetive bro is i doubt we will. Then he will be dead on his feet the next match. He says bowls gets him out of the house and stops his mind being 24/7 on his illness. i must admit we do have a good time at the bowls. so its onward and upward and heres hoping for a victorious day tomorrow.....cheer us up and get us ready for the chemotherapy next Thursday..
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