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Friday, 29 November 2013
Another chemotherapy session. We are in June now.The weather has been pretty good, bros been working but only mornings because he gets a little tired. We have been bowling most evenings and bro is managing to play most nights and most weekends. He still looks remarkably well and healthy in spite of his his illness. Our sister Barbara has been up from the midlands for a few days. Mum is very bothered about bro and it does her good for sis to come and visit.Think mum is going to Barbaras for a few days. it will stop her pecking mine and bro's head about his chemotherapy. Anyhow here we go. Hes all plumbed in at Christies on his drip so its get the cards out and have a laugh until the cheemotherapy starts to effect him. I always win the card games. He spends too much time eyeballing the nurseS
Well arrived at Christies this morning for bros continuing treatment and after Mondays consultation with his consultant Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti and his Russian surgeon Mr Yura Pudding , Bro was feeling quite good and as usual was giving the consultants Chinese secretary Miss Chin Tu Fat a bit of a chat up.
Anyhow I go to Mr Lukatfattis office to have a chat about the next lot of chemotherapy treatment bros having.
It was there that Mr Lukatfatti informed me of a few revelations about bros treatment. With regard to the tumours shrinking, that wasn’t exactly the case.. in actual fact the tumours had stayed the same size and bro had expanded and got fatter therefore giving a false impression of the tumours shrinking.
Seeing my alarmed look, Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti was quick to explain himself.
He explained that the treatment that bro was receiving was not standard chemotherapy, and what he was using on bro was a treatment developed in his native homeland in Karachi, Pakistan. He was actually receiving KHEEMATHERAPY and this was the reason for bros massive weight gain.
This new technique involves preparing a drip of liquidised spices including cardamom pods , cloves , garlic, peppers and ginger and mixing them with a saline solution for a drip feed and administering them to the patient intravenously. Now I recalled I had got a slight odour of Indian cooking when I had been playing cards with bro during his last treatment, but he is partial to a kebab on a Saturday and he does fart a lot during his treatment and I thought it was that.
Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti explained the objective of the treatment. The idea is that the solution is absorbed by the cancerous tumour and over a period of time the tumour is slowly transformed into a non malignant ONION BHAJI. I asked as to the chances of the treatment being successful and he explained that Mr Yura Pudding had successfully removed tumours in two patients that same week and although he couldn’t recall there full names they were two men called ROG AN JOSH. He went on to add that bro was in room 2 and if he were to look across the corridor the CHAP AT I was also receiving the same treatment. What are the side effects of the treatment I asked, and Mr Lukatfatti explained that the patient might feel different changes in temperature HOT CHILLI…HOT CHILLI for a few days after , and I remember that bro had had this side effect, he added that bro might lose his voice due to developing nodules on his vocal chords , he went on to say that a lady had just wrote to the hospital and claimed that it sent her PAPADUM , and she was trying to SEEKH compensation from the hospital trust.
Mr Lukatfatti went on to say that the scans had shown that the large tumour on the liver was slowly resembling an ONION BHAJI and the bowel tumours now resembled KHEEMA PEAS..( too much information)
If this progress continues and if bro doesn’t burst in the meantime, and if the tumour is in a 5 centimetre radius then Mr Yura Pudding is confident that he can FREE DE LIVER of the ONION BHAJI.
I went back to bros room to give him the good news that I had been given, he was still having a CHAAT with Miss Chin Tu Fat and his nurses were still waiting to give him his post urethal narcolepsy injection or as they call it a PUNJAB, to help TAKEAWAY some of the discomfort.
I expressed to the Chinese secretary the happiness I felt regarding the new treatment for bro and she said KOO I NOOR its vely good. She asked bro to sign the consent forms and asked him to TIKKA the boxes were required…The nurses then give him his injections and had a quick check to see if the cancer had spread to his testicles…left one..“KOF TA“…right one “KOF TA“ all ok there….
Anyhow bro has finally got plugged into the drip and there he is twiddling with the buttons on his chair, they are rally good recliners at the press of a button you can make the arms go up and even make your PILAU RICE to make your head and neck comfortable.
I put all India radio fm on the hospital radio for him while we play cards, or dominoes.. that’s if he has remembered a PAK OR A set…… if he gets fed up with the music I will put a film on for him…East Is East I think..
He has just dragged his drip to the toilets but couldn’t go because all five toilets were taken up and there was not MUSHROOM VINDALOO..
Cant wait to tell NAAN the good news she was going out and I have to take bro there so I just phoned and asked “have you left me a KEE MA?” yes its not mine though” whos is it I asked…“the KEY?BABS “she said.
I havent told bro about the side effect of the slight skin pigment colour change that is likely to occur
during the next few weeks I wanted to keep him thinking positive..
Ps. I will be referring to bro from now on as MILLIKA MAFOOD…..
MANGO now….Bye. xx
Well arrived at Christies this morning for bros continuing treatment and after Mondays consultation with his consultant Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti and his Russian surgeon Mr Yura Pudding , Bro was feeling quite good and as usual was giving the consultants Chinese secretary Miss Chin Tu Fat a bit of a chat up.
Anyhow I go to Mr Lukatfattis office to have a chat about the next lot of chemotherapy treatment bros having.
It was there that Mr Lukatfatti informed me of a few revelations about bros treatment. With regard to the tumours shrinking, that wasn’t exactly the case.. in actual fact the tumours had stayed the same size and bro had expanded and got fatter therefore giving a false impression of the tumours shrinking.
Seeing my alarmed look, Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti was quick to explain himself.
He explained that the treatment that bro was receiving was not standard chemotherapy, and what he was using on bro was a treatment developed in his native homeland in Karachi, Pakistan. He was actually receiving KHEEMATHERAPY and this was the reason for bros massive weight gain.
This new technique involves preparing a drip of liquidised spices including cardamom pods , cloves , garlic, peppers and ginger and mixing them with a saline solution for a drip feed and administering them to the patient intravenously. Now I recalled I had got a slight odour of Indian cooking when I had been playing cards with bro during his last treatment, but he is partial to a kebab on a Saturday and he does fart a lot during his treatment and I thought it was that.
Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti explained the objective of the treatment. The idea is that the solution is absorbed by the cancerous tumour and over a period of time the tumour is slowly transformed into a non malignant ONION BHAJI. I asked as to the chances of the treatment being successful and he explained that Mr Yura Pudding had successfully removed tumours in two patients that same week and although he couldn’t recall there full names they were two men called ROG AN JOSH. He went on to add that bro was in room 2 and if he were to look across the corridor the CHAP AT I was also receiving the same treatment. What are the side effects of the treatment I asked, and Mr Lukatfatti explained that the patient might feel different changes in temperature HOT CHILLI…HOT CHILLI for a few days after , and I remember that bro had had this side effect, he added that bro might lose his voice due to developing nodules on his vocal chords , he went on to say that a lady had just wrote to the hospital and claimed that it sent her PAPADUM , and she was trying to SEEKH compensation from the hospital trust.
Mr Lukatfatti went on to say that the scans had shown that the large tumour on the liver was slowly resembling an ONION BHAJI and the bowel tumours now resembled KHEEMA PEAS..( too much information)
If this progress continues and if bro doesn’t burst in the meantime, and if the tumour is in a 5 centimetre radius then Mr Yura Pudding is confident that he can FREE DE LIVER of the ONION BHAJI.
I went back to bros room to give him the good news that I had been given, he was still having a CHAAT with Miss Chin Tu Fat and his nurses were still waiting to give him his post urethal narcolepsy injection or as they call it a PUNJAB, to help TAKEAWAY some of the discomfort.
I expressed to the Chinese secretary the happiness I felt regarding the new treatment for bro and she said KOO I NOOR its vely good. She asked bro to sign the consent forms and asked him to TIKKA the boxes were required…The nurses then give him his injections and had a quick check to see if the cancer had spread to his testicles…left one..“KOF TA“…right one “KOF TA“ all ok there….
Anyhow bro has finally got plugged into the drip and there he is twiddling with the buttons on his chair, they are rally good recliners at the press of a button you can make the arms go up and even make your PILAU RICE to make your head and neck comfortable.
I put all India radio fm on the hospital radio for him while we play cards, or dominoes.. that’s if he has remembered a PAK OR A set…… if he gets fed up with the music I will put a film on for him…East Is East I think..
He has just dragged his drip to the toilets but couldn’t go because all five toilets were taken up and there was not MUSHROOM VINDALOO..
Cant wait to tell NAAN the good news she was going out and I have to take bro there so I just phoned and asked “have you left me a KEE MA?” yes its not mine though” whos is it I asked…“the KEY?BABS “she said.
I havent told bro about the side effect of the slight skin pigment colour change that is likely to occur
during the next few weeks I wanted to keep him thinking positive..
Ps. I will be referring to bro from now on as MILLIKA MAFOOD…..
MANGO now….Bye. xx
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Uncle steve was the music man
tom and joe did toy story Aunty pat was tinkerbell...sadly Pat has since died from cancer
Mum was minnie mouse
thats joe and william...bros two youngest children the mad hatter and alladin
rebecca looked so lovely
bro looking dapperwith his ginger hair
101 dalmations
mmm goodies
lol numpties
bro rebecca and Charles his eldest son
silly me
my son tom
mum again
nice rebecca and joe
the missus Christine strutting her stuff
sister Sue
all great fun!!!
more treatment
its may now and Bro and i are off to Christies for another batch of chemotherapy. its not nice he goes in all upbeat and having fun like we always do, finding anything there is to have a laugh about and after the tereatment he comes out all shivering no feeling in his hands and having to cover his face up to the slight breeze outside..They can never get one of his veins with the needle and sometimes it takes 5 or 6 goes to get it..they put heated packs on and try all sorts of things...not a very good start to the day...bro is a private patient through his work insurance so its quite nicwe having breakfast and dinner through his treatment, the nurses are wonderful but i hate seeing him going through all this pain. He iupdates his status on facebook throughout his treatment, its amazing how many friends he has, just shows what a good guy he is. he has hundreds of well wishers on his page when he is having his treatment.......i just try to make him laugh with my chemo updates......CHEMO CHARLIE UPDATE
Well Chemo Charlie is back with us for a few more episodes (much to bros annoyance) and on Monday we are off to see his consultant Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti and his Russian surgeon Yura Pudding.
We spoke to mr Lukatfattis Chinese secretary (Chin tu fat) yesterday and she did express that there was nothing to worry about and the meeting was to discuss the present size of the tumour.
As always I like to go to these meetings well prepared for three reasons.
1 so I understand fully what the surgeon is talking about.
2 so I can prepare an action plan for the next few weeks
3. Because bro is a thick fooker.
Anyway upon reading up on the subject I have realised a few things that I was ignorant off. There are 200 types of tumours.. There are 7500 parts of the body that can be affected. There are 325,000 people diagnosed each year with a tumour. Im not that good mathematically but with the help of my trusty calculator I make that 487,500,000,000 different prognosis. Now maybe I am missing something but why are there only 4 sizes of tumour….the size of a pea…..the size of a golf ball….the size of a tennis ball and the size of a grapefruit..?? How does one size progress to the other ? What happened to gob stopper sized tumour and Terrys chocolate orange sized tumour? Furthermore why didn’t the medical experts stick with either the fruit and vegetable theme and have pea ..tomato …orange. . grapefruit, or with the sports theme and have marble, golf ball, tennis ball, football. Why confuse things ??
Another question, it is clearly obvious what size a golf and tennis ball are but what size is a pea….is it a garden pea which isn’t worth bothering about, or is it a great big marrowfat pea who has delusions of grandeur and thinks hes a grapefruit which could be the size of a pink grapefruit about 10 cm or the daddy of all grapefruit’s the Pomelo, a massive 15 cms. Now if I was in a bed and the chap next door had a pea sized tumour and I had a grapefruit sized tumour I would be crapping myself…but if he had a 10mm diameter tumour and I had a 10cm diameter tumour, I would think things are not that bad. I think the medical profession should approach the size of the tumour in a simple measured way ie with the metric system of millimetres or the imperial good old fashioned system of feet and inches….
Anyhow we will know on Monday when we go…..bros a bit thick so when they give us the size in metric I will have to explain to him that its about the size of a grape!!!!
See you soon......
Well Chemo Charlie is back with us for a few more episodes (much to bros annoyance) and on Monday we are off to see his consultant Mr Mustapha Lukatfatti and his Russian surgeon Yura Pudding.
We spoke to mr Lukatfattis Chinese secretary (Chin tu fat) yesterday and she did express that there was nothing to worry about and the meeting was to discuss the present size of the tumour.
As always I like to go to these meetings well prepared for three reasons.
1 so I understand fully what the surgeon is talking about.
2 so I can prepare an action plan for the next few weeks
3. Because bro is a thick fooker.
Anyway upon reading up on the subject I have realised a few things that I was ignorant off. There are 200 types of tumours.. There are 7500 parts of the body that can be affected. There are 325,000 people diagnosed each year with a tumour. Im not that good mathematically but with the help of my trusty calculator I make that 487,500,000,000 different prognosis. Now maybe I am missing something but why are there only 4 sizes of tumour….the size of a pea…..the size of a golf ball….the size of a tennis ball and the size of a grapefruit..?? How does one size progress to the other ? What happened to gob stopper sized tumour and Terrys chocolate orange sized tumour? Furthermore why didn’t the medical experts stick with either the fruit and vegetable theme and have pea ..tomato …orange. . grapefruit, or with the sports theme and have marble, golf ball, tennis ball, football. Why confuse things ??
Another question, it is clearly obvious what size a golf and tennis ball are but what size is a pea….is it a garden pea which isn’t worth bothering about, or is it a great big marrowfat pea who has delusions of grandeur and thinks hes a grapefruit which could be the size of a pink grapefruit about 10 cm or the daddy of all grapefruit’s the Pomelo, a massive 15 cms. Now if I was in a bed and the chap next door had a pea sized tumour and I had a grapefruit sized tumour I would be crapping myself…but if he had a 10mm diameter tumour and I had a 10cm diameter tumour, I would think things are not that bad. I think the medical profession should approach the size of the tumour in a simple measured way ie with the metric system of millimetres or the imperial good old fashioned system of feet and inches….
Anyhow we will know on Monday when we go…..bros a bit thick so when they give us the size in metric I will have to explain to him that its about the size of a grape!!!!
See you soon......
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Ive had a few teary moments over the past few days. bro keeps getting more and more bad news when he goes to the hospital. This is the first real illness that we have had in our family and even mum and dad have never had a serious illness to cope with. my mum dad sisters and myself are in a bit of a mixed up state, we are not sleeping and god knows how bro is feeling. i am feeling more and more helpless in what i can do or say to him and can only keep trying to keep his spirits up with a bit of fun.......
Monday, 18 November 2013
I was going to the hospital with bro the other week and on the radio came that song of the hollies..He Aint Heavy Hes My Brother, and it brought a little lump to my throat and I found myself singing the words to myself in my head
The road is long
With many a takeaway
That leads bro to go, for some fries
and some pies,
And after that,
I wont be strong enough,
To carry him,
He’s a fat fooker…hes my brother
So on we go,
There is a subway on our left
He goes for a sub.
And a meal in a pub
For I know
he will eat my leftovers….
He’s a fat fooker… hes my brother
If I’m laden with bro,
Off to domino’s he’d go
And then for a big mac,
Filled with mayo and diet coke
And a large…… of fries
It’s a long long road
With a kfc right at the end
A family bucket is there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn’t weigh me I only had a bit.
He’s a fat fooker….hes my brother
Hes my brother
Hes a fat fooker….hes my brother….
The road is long
With many a takeaway
That leads bro to go, for some fries
and some pies,
And after that,
I wont be strong enough,
To carry him,
He’s a fat fooker…hes my brother
So on we go,
There is a subway on our left
He goes for a sub.
And a meal in a pub
For I know
he will eat my leftovers….
He’s a fat fooker… hes my brother
If I’m laden with bro,
Off to domino’s he’d go
And then for a big mac,
Filled with mayo and diet coke
And a large…… of fries
It’s a long long road
With a kfc right at the end
A family bucket is there
Why not share
And the load
Doesn’t weigh me I only had a bit.
He’s a fat fooker….hes my brother
Hes my brother
Hes a fat fooker….hes my brother….
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Bros first batch of chemotherapy began in April this year at Christies in Manchester. i said i would accompany him on all his treatments to lend some support too him. i would also report back to family and friends how things were going.....i decided to call my reports CHEMO CHARLIE UPDATES and would post on bros facebook page for concerned family and friends...................
Just got back from Christies with bro...what a fookin day!! Gets him started on this 2 hr drip...after fannying about with the mard arsed fat git trying to get a vein to plug it into . Anyhow gets the cards out for some easy pickings off the bro......It isn’t long before they put this druggie in the next cubicle to us for his treatment....he bobs over to our space and introduces himself nicknames the Shooter he says....that says a lot I said to bro........... Poker we are playing and bro thinks he is Steve Mcqueen playing the Cincinatti Kid...a nurse Howard comes in , who bears a striking resemblance to Edward G Robinson (goatie and all) and tells us she plays poker big time on the internet.....knob head bro asks her to join in....Shooter says he will deal because he doesn’t know how to play and is high anyway......there I am with The Cincinatti Kid...the Man...Edward G and the fookin Shooter isn’t long before bro (the kid) and the nurse (the man) have nearly skint me out of all my m and m's and I have only 6 Smarties left and the colour is going out off them faster than the colour out of bros face with the cheemo...I decide to quit and eat the fookers. this leaves the Cincinatti Kid, bro...and Edward G the man to battle it out....big stakes now....goaties got the Black Jacks out and the kid has broken into a packet of Polo.......Shooter deals........the kid bets two Polos...the man calls...anyhow to cut a long story short.. Everything is in.. Smarties . . Polos...Revels...m and ms...and Black Jacks. The man turns over a queen high straight flush and the kid loses with a full house........ Well bro goes bonkers and tips the table up spilling the lot...his drip flies out and cheemo fluid is flying everywhere it sprays in my face which was quite handy because I had two zits and the both just fell of right away...Shooter is cowering in the corner catching it on a spoon...the nurse is covered in it and her goatie starts to fall off along with one of her eye brows...another nurse came in and reattached the I am looking around, the nurse is trying to make another eyebrow out of her goatie .. Shooters got a lighter under his spoon...and suddenly I see a little fly that has crawled into bros tube and before I can raise the alarm it is in him...well suddenly his eyes start to bulge out a great deal and two things start to grow from his nose with two black balls on them...strange wing like things start to come out of his doesn’t help that he is dressed in a black and yellow striped jumper and two tone pants from the seventies....a porter comes in with a man size glass and large playing card to catch him as he flutters about...he takes a look at the fat fooker and goes back for a man sized goldfish bowl instead...any how they get him....there is a right to do and the nurses take him into de-fly-brillation room for treatment...In there plasters are put over his nose and mouth and a Dyson is attached to his rectum and switched on...that sorts the eyes out and they shrink back.....his wings are carefully removed and a porter acquires them for his daughter who is playing Tinkerbell in the school pantomime ...he then falls over and is spinning around on the floor with his legs up in the air...reminiscent off the bowling do with the Lorimers in Scarborough.....anyway they get him up...they now start to remove the antennae which he wants to keep because he is receiving Sky Sports through the right nostril and a Swedish porn site through the left nostril...anyway off they come and everything is back to normal.. Phew......I am not going with him again I was bored out of my tree.... off to take him to mums now for a few days rest...he is going to the pics. ...pick nose...pick horses and pick what he is having for tea...soft fooker!!! Gets to mums and she has done him fresh salmon sandwiches with a side salad and done me a scroty meat pie from Morrisons... grhhhhh....anyway his treatment went ok.x
Just got back from Christies with bro...what a fookin day!! Gets him started on this 2 hr drip...after fannying about with the mard arsed fat git trying to get a vein to plug it into . Anyhow gets the cards out for some easy pickings off the bro......It isn’t long before they put this druggie in the next cubicle to us for his treatment....he bobs over to our space and introduces himself nicknames the Shooter he says....that says a lot I said to bro........... Poker we are playing and bro thinks he is Steve Mcqueen playing the Cincinatti Kid...a nurse Howard comes in , who bears a striking resemblance to Edward G Robinson (goatie and all) and tells us she plays poker big time on the internet.....knob head bro asks her to join in....Shooter says he will deal because he doesn’t know how to play and is high anyway......there I am with The Cincinatti Kid...the Man...Edward G and the fookin Shooter isn’t long before bro (the kid) and the nurse (the man) have nearly skint me out of all my m and m's and I have only 6 Smarties left and the colour is going out off them faster than the colour out of bros face with the cheemo...I decide to quit and eat the fookers. this leaves the Cincinatti Kid, bro...and Edward G the man to battle it out....big stakes now....goaties got the Black Jacks out and the kid has broken into a packet of Polo.......Shooter deals........the kid bets two Polos...the man calls...anyhow to cut a long story short.. Everything is in.. Smarties . . Polos...Revels...m and ms...and Black Jacks. The man turns over a queen high straight flush and the kid loses with a full house........ Well bro goes bonkers and tips the table up spilling the lot...his drip flies out and cheemo fluid is flying everywhere it sprays in my face which was quite handy because I had two zits and the both just fell of right away...Shooter is cowering in the corner catching it on a spoon...the nurse is covered in it and her goatie starts to fall off along with one of her eye brows...another nurse came in and reattached the I am looking around, the nurse is trying to make another eyebrow out of her goatie .. Shooters got a lighter under his spoon...and suddenly I see a little fly that has crawled into bros tube and before I can raise the alarm it is in him...well suddenly his eyes start to bulge out a great deal and two things start to grow from his nose with two black balls on them...strange wing like things start to come out of his doesn’t help that he is dressed in a black and yellow striped jumper and two tone pants from the seventies....a porter comes in with a man size glass and large playing card to catch him as he flutters about...he takes a look at the fat fooker and goes back for a man sized goldfish bowl instead...any how they get him....there is a right to do and the nurses take him into de-fly-brillation room for treatment...In there plasters are put over his nose and mouth and a Dyson is attached to his rectum and switched on...that sorts the eyes out and they shrink back.....his wings are carefully removed and a porter acquires them for his daughter who is playing Tinkerbell in the school pantomime ...he then falls over and is spinning around on the floor with his legs up in the air...reminiscent off the bowling do with the Lorimers in Scarborough.....anyway they get him up...they now start to remove the antennae which he wants to keep because he is receiving Sky Sports through the right nostril and a Swedish porn site through the left nostril...anyway off they come and everything is back to normal.. Phew......I am not going with him again I was bored out of my tree.... off to take him to mums now for a few days rest...he is going to the pics. ...pick nose...pick horses and pick what he is having for tea...soft fooker!!! Gets to mums and she has done him fresh salmon sandwiches with a side salad and done me a scroty meat pie from Morrisons... grhhhhh....anyway his treatment went ok.x
In March of this year my little brother( although hes not that little at the minute ) went for a routine appointment at the doctors and there began a journey that we have found ourself on since then.
he was sent for a scan to hospital because of some problems he was having with his blood. It was there that he was diagnosed with a bowel tumour. It was first thought that it could be removed by surgery but after further investigations the need for cheemotheray treatment was advised. i have tried to keep lighthearted, to keep bro smiling throughout this journey because i do believe that laughter is the best medicine. The cancer has now travelled to his liver and surgery has been ruled out completely.I do not know anything about blogs but thought i would share our journey with whoever may wish to join us. Its been a fun ride and we are still on it. It has brought the two of us closer together than we have ever been( even though i ridicule him along the way)........
March 2013... bro has taken time off work he works as a manager at Warbutons Bakery. his cheemotherapy is starting. He has had to stop playing his beloved crown green bowls till he is over the first batch of cheemotherapy......a verse for my bro.. JOHN ANDRWEW ECCLES
Just a little short fat arsed lad who makes us smile
One who sometimes makes us happy for a while
Humour comes second nature to my little bruv
Next to eating that is…..which is still his main love
And now I’m told his head will soon be bald
Nickname of chrome dome or cue ball hell be called
Don’t think he’d have a hairpiece, perhaps a big hat,
Rash comes to mind the last time he had that! (herpes)
Eat what you want the doc said….but not a curry by eck
What with the chemo as well, you will shit yourself in a sec
Even with the drugs can I play bowls…he asked with a frown
Course stick to flat,…cos for years you’ve been shit on the crown
Can I go back to work then….can I continue to be a masterbaker
Look go back to work…but leave your todger alone or you will meet your maker
Eccys a great guy though and will beat this no fear of that
Supported by all who love you.. You short arsed fat
he was sent for a scan to hospital because of some problems he was having with his blood. It was there that he was diagnosed with a bowel tumour. It was first thought that it could be removed by surgery but after further investigations the need for cheemotheray treatment was advised. i have tried to keep lighthearted, to keep bro smiling throughout this journey because i do believe that laughter is the best medicine. The cancer has now travelled to his liver and surgery has been ruled out completely.I do not know anything about blogs but thought i would share our journey with whoever may wish to join us. Its been a fun ride and we are still on it. It has brought the two of us closer together than we have ever been( even though i ridicule him along the way)........
March 2013... bro has taken time off work he works as a manager at Warbutons Bakery. his cheemotherapy is starting. He has had to stop playing his beloved crown green bowls till he is over the first batch of cheemotherapy......a verse for my bro.. JOHN ANDRWEW ECCLES
Just a little short fat arsed lad who makes us smile
One who sometimes makes us happy for a while
Humour comes second nature to my little bruv
Next to eating that is…..which is still his main love
And now I’m told his head will soon be bald
Nickname of chrome dome or cue ball hell be called
Don’t think he’d have a hairpiece, perhaps a big hat,
Rash comes to mind the last time he had that! (herpes)
Eat what you want the doc said….but not a curry by eck
What with the chemo as well, you will shit yourself in a sec
Even with the drugs can I play bowls…he asked with a frown
Course stick to flat,…cos for years you’ve been shit on the crown
Can I go back to work then….can I continue to be a masterbaker
Look go back to work…but leave your todger alone or you will meet your maker
Eccys a great guy though and will beat this no fear of that
Supported by all who love you.. You short arsed fat
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